

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00003 #ifndef _included_GridFunction_h
00004 #define _included_GridFunction_h
00011 #include "DAGHParams.h"
00013 #include "GridHierarchy.h"
00015 #include "GridFunctionVoid.h"
00017 #include "GridDataBlock.h"
00018 #include "GridHierarchyCalls.h"
00019 #include "GridFunctionFunctors.h"
00021 #include "Timing.h"
00023 #include <iosfwd>
00025 template <class GFType, int dim> class GridFunction;
00026 template <class GFType, int dim>
00027 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const GridFunction<GFType,dim>&);
00039 template <class GFType, int dim>
00040 class GridFunction : public GridFunctionVoid
00041  {
00042  private:
00043    friend class GridHierarchy;
00046    int* length;
00051    GridDataBlock<GFType,dim> ****gdb;
00054    GFBndryUpdateFunc<GFType,dim>* bfunc;
00057    GFAdptBndryUpdateFunc<GFType,dim>* abfunc;
00060    GFLevelTransferFunc<GFType,dim>* pfunc;
00063    GFLevelTransferFunc<GFType,dim>* rfunc;
00065    /* I/O Function */
00066    GFIOFunc<GFType,dim>* iofunc;
00068    /* Custon Recomposition Function */
00069    /* Is called for each level within loop over levels in Recompose() */
00070    GFRecomposeFunc<GFType,dim>* recompfunc;
00072    /*****************************************************************************/
00073    /* Disable assignments */
00074    /*****************************************************************************/
00075 private:
00076    GridFunction(const GridFunction<GFType,dim>&);
00077    const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& operator= (const GridFunction<GFType,dim>&);
00078    /*****************************************************************************/
00080    /*****************************************************************************/
00081    /* Constructors.... */
00082    /*****************************************************************************/
00083 public:   
00084    GridFunction(char const name[], GridHierarchy &gh);
00086    /* For backward compatibility */
00087    GridFunction(const char name[], 
00088                 const int t_sten, 
00089                 const int s_sten, 
00090                 GridHierarchy &gh,
00091                 const int cflag = DAGHComm,
00092                 const int extghflag = DAGHNoExternalGhost);
00094    GridFunction(const char name[], 
00095                 const int t_sten, 
00096                 const int s_sten, 
00097                 const int cfac,
00098                 GridHierarchy &gh,
00099                 const int cflag = DAGHComm,
00100                 const int extghflag = DAGHNoExternalGhost);
00102    GridFunction(const char name[], 
00103                 const int t_sten, 
00104                 const int s_sten, 
00105                 GridHierarchy &gh,
00106                 const int type, 
00107                 const int cflag,
00108                 const int bflag,
00109                 const int adptbflag,
00110                 const int extghflag = DAGHNoExternalGhost); 
00112    GridFunction(const char name[], 
00113                 const int t_sten, 
00114                 const int* s_sten, 
00115                 GridHierarchy &gh,
00116                 const int type, 
00117                 const int cflag,
00118                 const int bflag,
00119                 const int adptbflag,
00120                 const int extghflag = DAGHNoExternalGhost);
00122    /* Add one to set the alignment when rank < dagh.rank */
00123    GridFunction(const char name[], 
00124                 const int t_sten, 
00125                 const int s_sten, 
00126                 GridHierarchy &gh,
00127                 const int type, 
00128                 const int loff, 
00129                 const int cfac,
00130                 const int align, 
00131                 const int cflag,
00132                 const int bflag,
00133                 const int adptbflag,
00134                 const int extghflag);
00169    GridFunction(const char name[], 
00170                 const int t_sten, 
00171                 const int* s_sten, 
00172                 GridHierarchy &gh,
00173                 const int type, 
00174                 const int loff, 
00175                 const int cfac,
00176                 const int align, 
00177                 const int cflag,
00178                 const int bflag,
00179                 const int adptbflag,
00180                 const int extghflag);
00182    GridFunction(const char name[], 
00183                 const int t_sten, 
00184                 const int s_sten, 
00185                 const int time,
00186                 const int level,
00187                 GridHierarchy &gh,
00188                 const int type,
00189                 const int loff, 
00190                 const int cfac,
00191                 const int cflag,
00192                 const int bflag,
00193                 const int adptbflag,
00194                 const int extghflag = DAGHNoExternalGhost);
00197    GridFunction(const char name[], 
00198                 const int t_sten, 
00199                 const int* s_sten, 
00200                 const int time,
00201                 const int level,
00202                 GridHierarchy &gh,
00203                 const int type,
00204                 const int loff, 
00205                 const int cfac,
00206                 const int cflag,
00207                 const int bflag,
00208                 const int adptbflag,
00209                 const int extghflag = DAGHNoExternalGhost);
00212    GridFunction(const char name[], 
00213                 const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& gf,
00214                 const int time,
00215                 const int level,
00216                 const int cflag,
00217                 const int bflag,
00218                 const int adptbflag,
00219                 const int extghflag = DAGHNoExternalGhost);
00220    /*****************************************************************************/
00222    /*****************************************************************************/
00223    /* Destructor */
00224    /*****************************************************************************/
00225 public:
00226    virtual ~GridFunction();
00227    /*****************************************************************************/
00229    /*****************************************************************************/
00230    /* Delete Comm Info */
00231    /*****************************************************************************/
00232 private:
00233    void GF_DeleteGDBStorage();
00234    void GF_DeleteGDBStorage(const int t);
00235    void GF_DeleteGDBStorage(const int t, const int l);
00236    void GF_DeleteGhostCommInfo();
00237    void GF_DeleteDataCommInfo();
00238    void GF_DeleteGhostBndryInfo();
00239    void GF_CreateGDBStorage(const int t);  
00240    void GF_CreateGDBStorage(const int t, const int l);  
00241    /*****************************************************************************/
00242 public:
00243    void GF_CreateStorage(const int t) { 
00244      if (t==0 || t>time_sten_rad || t<-time_sten_rad) return;
00245      GF_CreateGDBStorage(t + time_sten_rad); 
00246    }
00247    void GF_CreateStorage(const int t, const int l) {
00248      if (t==0 || t>time_sten_rad || t<-time_sten_rad) return;
00249      if (l<0 || l>=dagh.totallevels()) return;    
00250      GF_CreateGDBStorage(t + time_sten_rad, l); 
00251    }
00252    void GF_DeleteStorage(const int t) {
00253      if (t==0 || t>time_sten_rad || t<-time_sten_rad) return;     
00254      GF_DeleteGDBStorage(t + time_sten_rad); 
00255    }
00256    void GF_DeleteStorage(const int t, const int l) {
00257      if (t==0 || t>time_sten_rad || t<-time_sten_rad) return;
00258      if (l<0 || l>=dagh.totallevels()) return;    
00259      GF_DeleteGDBStorage(t + time_sten_rad, l); 
00260    }
00262    /*****************************************************************************/
00263    /* Compose & Recompose */
00264    /*****************************************************************************/
00265 private:
00266    void GF_Compose();
00267    void GF_Compose(const int T, const int L);
00268    void GF_Compose(const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& gf, 
00269                    const int T, const int L);
00271    void GF_Recompose(int* reuse_possible, GridBoxList** ollist,
00272                      GridBoxList** rlist, GridBoxList** slist,
00273                      GridBoxList** olist); 
00275 public:
00276    /*****************************************************************************/
00277    /* For checkpointing */
00278    /*****************************************************************************/
00280    void GF_CheckpointRecompose();
00282    void GF_CheckpointRecompose(std::stringstream& ifs);
00284    void GF_Checkpoint(std::ofstream& ofs);
00286    void GF_Checkpoint(std::stringstream& ofs);
00287    int  GF_Checkpoint_StrStream_Memory();
00291    void GF_CheckpointRestart(int proc=-1); 
00293    void GF_CheckpointRestart(std::stringstream& ifs);
00295    /*****************************************************************************/
00297    /*****************************************************************************/
00299 private:
00300    void GF_SetUpGhostCommServers();
00301    /*****************************************************************************/
00303 private:
00304    /*****************************************************************************/
00306    void GF_GatherGhostCommInfo();
00307    /*****************************************************************************/
00309    /*****************************************************************************/
00313    void GF_GatherGhostBndryInfo();
00314    /*****************************************************************************/
00316    /*****************************************************************************/
00317    /* Set Functions */
00318    /*****************************************************************************/
00319 public:
00320    inline void GF_SetBndryUpdateFunc(GFBndryUpdateFunc<GFType,dim>* bf) 
00321      { bfunc = bf; }
00322    inline void GF_SetAdaptiveBndryUpdateFunc(GFAdptBndryUpdateFunc<GFType,dim>* abf) 
00323      { abfunc = abf; }
00324    inline void GF_SetProlongFunc(GFLevelTransferFunc<GFType,dim>* pf)
00325      { pfunc = pf; }
00326    inline void GF_SetRestrictFunc(GFLevelTransferFunc<GFType,dim>* rf)
00327      { rfunc = rf; }
00328    inline void GF_SetIOFunc(GFIOFunc<GFType,dim>* iof) 
00329      { iofunc = iof; }
00330    inline void GF_SetRecomposeFunc(GFRecomposeFunc<GFType,dim>* rcf) 
00331      { recompfunc = rcf; }
00332    /*****************************************************************************/
00334    /*****************************************************************************/
00335    /* Get Functions */
00336    /*****************************************************************************/
00337    inline GFBndryUpdateFunc<GFType,dim>* GF_GetBndryUpdateFunc() 
00338      { return bfunc; }
00339    inline GFAdptBndryUpdateFunc<GFType,dim>* GF_GetAdaptiveBndryUpdateFunc() 
00340      { return abfunc; }
00341    inline GFLevelTransferFunc<GFType,dim>* GF_GetProlongFunc()
00342      { return pfunc; }
00343    inline GFLevelTransferFunc<GFType,dim>* GF_GetRestrictFunc()
00344      { return rfunc; }
00345    inline GFIOFunc<GFType,dim>* GF_GetIOFunc() 
00346      { return iofunc; }
00347    inline GFRecomposeFunc<GFType,dim>* GF_GetRecomposeFunc() 
00348      { return recompfunc; }
00349    /*****************************************************************************/
00351    /*****************************************************************************/
00352    /* Query function status */
00353    /*****************************************************************************/
00354 public:
00355    inline int has_bndryupdatefunc()
00356      { return (bfunc != (GFBndryUpdateFunc<GFType,dim>*) 0); }
00357    inline int has_adaptivebndryupdatefunc()
00358      { return (abfunc != (GFAdptBndryUpdateFunc<GFType,dim>*) 0); }
00359    inline int has_prolongfunc()
00360      { return (pfunc != (GFLevelTransferFunc<GFType,dim>*) 0); }
00361    inline int has_restrictfunc() 
00362      { return (rfunc != (GFLevelTransferFunc<GFType,dim>*) 0); }
00363    inline int has_iofunc() 
00364      { return (iofunc != (GFIOFunc<GFType,dim>*) 0); }
00365    inline int has_recomposefunc() 
00366      { return (recompfunc != (GFRecomposeFunc<GFType,dim>*) 0); }
00367    /*****************************************************************************/
00369 public:
00370    /*****************************************************************************/
00372    void GF_SwapTimeLevels(const int l, const int t1, const int t2);
00373    void GF_CycleTimeLevels(const int l);
00374    /*****************************************************************************/
00376    /*****************************************************************************/
00377    /* Queries.... */
00378    /*****************************************************************************/
00379 public:
00380    inline int Length(GridBoxList* gbl) { return (gbl ? gbl->number() : 0); }
00382    inline int len(int lev) const { return (length[lev]); }
00384    inline int comm() const { return (comm_flag != DAGHNoComm); }
00385    inline int comm(const int t, const int l) const
00386         { return (comm_flag!=DAGHNoComm) &&
00387                  (comm_flag!=DAGHCommCurrentTimeOnly ||
00388                   t==dagh_timeindex(dagh.getCurrentTime(l),l)); }
00391    inline GridDataBlock<GFType,dim>& mygdb(const int t, 
00392                                                    const int l, 
00393                                                    const int c) 
00394         { return (*gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]); }
00396    inline int exists(const int t, const int l, const int c) const
00397         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c] != 
00398                   (GridDataBlock<GFType,dim> *)0); }
00400    inline int has_parents(const int t, const int l, const int c) const
00401         { return gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->has_parents(); }
00403    inline const int& parents(const int t, const int l, const int c) const 
00404         { return gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->parents(); }
00406    inline const GDB_Interaction* parentlist(const int t, const int l, const int c) const 
00407         { return gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->parentlist(); }
00408    inline GDB_Interaction* parentlist(const int t, const int l, const int c) 
00409         { return gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->parentlist(); }
00410    inline const BBox& parentbox(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int j) const
00411         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->parentbox(j)); }
00412    inline const int& parentidx(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int j) const
00413         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->parentidx(j)); }
00415    inline int has_children(const int t, const int l, const int c) const
00416         { return gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->has_children(); }
00418    inline const int& children(const int t, const int l, const int c) const 
00419         { return gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->children(); }
00421    inline const GDB_Interaction* childlist(const int t, const int l, const int c) const 
00422         { return gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->childlist(); }
00423    inline GDB_Interaction* childlist(const int t, const int l, const int c) 
00424         { return gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->childlist(); }
00425    inline const BBox& childbox(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int j) const
00426         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->childbox(j)); }
00427    inline const int& childidx(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int j) const
00428         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->childidx(j)); }
00429    /*****************************************************************************/
00431    /*****************************************************************************/
00432    /* set/get current time */
00433    /*****************************************************************************/
00434 public:
00435    inline Coords GF_StepSize(const int lev) const 
00436      { return (Coords(dim,factor()*dagh.stepsize(lev))); }
00437    inline int GF_TimeStep(const int lev) const 
00438      { return (factor()*dagh.timestep(lev)); }
00441    inline int GF_CurrentTime(const int lev) const
00442      { return (dagh.getCurrentTime(lev)); }
00443    inline int GF_PreviousTime(const int lev) const
00444      { return (dagh.getCurrentTime(lev) - GF_TimeStep(lev)); }
00445    inline int GF_NextTime(const int lev) const
00446      { return (dagh.getCurrentTime(lev) + GF_TimeStep(lev)); }
00448    /*****************************************************************************/
00449    /* time queries based on DAGH current time information */
00450    /*****************************************************************************/
00451 public:
00456    inline int dagh_timevalue(const int t, const int l) const
00457    { return ((t-time_sten_rad)*GF_TimeStep(l) + dagh.getCurrentTime(l)); }
00460    inline int dagh_timeindex(const int t, const int l) const
00461    { return (time_alias[((t-dagh.getCurrentTime(l))/GF_TimeStep(l)) + time_sten_rad]); }
00462    /*****************************************************************************/
00464    /*****************************************************************************/
00465    /* physical time queries based on DAGH current time information */
00466    /*****************************************************************************/
00467 public:
00468    inline void set_phystime_timeindex(const int t, const int l, const double pht)
00469    { phys_time[t*dagh.totallevels() + l] = pht; }
00471    inline void set_phystime_timevalue(const int t, const int l, const double pht)
00472    { phys_time[time_alias[((t-dagh.getCurrentTime(l))/GF_TimeStep(l)) + 
00473                          time_sten_rad]*dagh.totallevels() + l] = pht; }
00475    inline double get_phystime_timeindex(const int t, const int l) const
00476    { return (phys_time[t*dagh.totallevels() + l]); }
00478    inline double get_phystime_timevalue(const int t, const int l) const
00479    { return (phys_time[time_alias[((t-dagh.getCurrentTime(l))/GF_TimeStep(l)) + 
00480                                  time_sten_rad]*dagh.totallevels() + l]); }
00481    /*****************************************************************************/
00483    /*****************************************************************************/
00484    /* Data Updates */
00485    /*****************************************************************************/
00486 private:
00487    void GF_ReadData(const int time);
00492    void GF_ReadData(const int time, const int level);
00493    void GF_ReadData(const int time, GridData<GFType,dim>& into);
00494    /*****************************************************************************/
00496 public:
00497    inline virtual void GF_WriteGhosts(const int time, const int level) 
00498      {  GF_WriteGhosts(time, level, DAGH_All, DAGH_Both); }
00504    virtual void GF_WriteGhosts(const int time, const int level, 
00505                                const int axis, const int dir);
00507 private:
00508    int ipow(int b, int p) 
00509      { register int tmpr = 1; while (p--) tmpr *= b; return tmpr; }
00510    void GF_PeriodicBBoxMove(BBox& from, int& idx, const int& length);
00511 public:
00512    inline virtual void GF_ReadGhosts(const int time, const int level) 
00513      {  GF_ReadGhosts(time, level, DAGH_All, DAGH_Both); }
00519    virtual void GF_ReadGhosts(const int time, const int level, 
00520                               const int axis, const int dir);
00522 public:
00524    inline void GF_BndryUpdate(const int time, const int level) { 
00525      GF_AdaptiveBndryUpdate(time,level);
00526      GF_WriteGhosts(time,level); 
00527      GF_ReadGhosts(time,level); 
00528      GF_ExternalBndryUpdate(time,level);
00529    }
00531    inline virtual void GF_Sync(const int time, const int level) { 
00532      GF_WriteGhosts(time,level); 
00533      GF_ReadGhosts(time,level); 
00534    }
00536    inline virtual void GF_Sync(const int time, const int level, 
00537                                const int axis, const int dir) { 
00538      COUNT(GF_SYNC);
00540      GF_WriteGhosts(time,level,axis,dir); 
00541      GF_ReadGhosts(time,level,axis,dir); 
00542    }
00544    inline const BBoxList* externalbndrylevel(const int l) const { return (bndrybboxlist[l]); }
00545    inline const BBoxList* prolongbndrylevel(const int l) const { return (prolongbboxlist[l]); }
00547    /*****************************************************************************/
00549    /*****************************************************************************/
00550    /* Use predefined functions */
00551    /*****************************************************************************/
00552 public:
00553    void GF_Prolong(const int tf, const int lf, const int tt, const int lt);
00559    void GF_Prolong(const int tf, const int lf, const int tt, const int lt,const BBox &bb);
00561    void GF_Restrict(const int tf, const int lf, const int tt, const int lt);
00568    void GF_Restrict(const int tf, const int lf, const int tt, const int lt,const BBox &bb);
00570    void GF_IO(const int time, const int level);
00571    void GF_IO(const int time, const int level, const BBox &bb);
00572    /*****************************************************************************/
00574    /*****************************************************************************/
00575    /* Boundary updates */
00576    /*****************************************************************************/
00581    void GF_AdaptiveBndryUpdate(const int time, const int level);
00586    void GF_ExternalBndryUpdate(const int time, const int level); 
00588    /*****************************************************************************/
00590    /*****************************************************************************/
00591    /* Queries */
00592    /*****************************************************************************/
00593    inline const BBox& boundingbbox(const int t, const int l, const int c) const
00594         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->boundingbox()); }
00596    inline BBox boundingbbox(const int t, const int l, const int c)
00597         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->boundingbox()); }
00599    inline const BBox& interiorbbox(const int t, const int l, const int c) const
00600         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->interiorbox()); }
00602    inline BBox interiorbbox(const int t, const int l, const int c)
00603         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->interiorbox()); }
00605    inline const BBox& databbox(const int t, const int l, const int c) const
00606         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->databox()); }
00608    inline BBox databbox(const int t, const int l, const int c)
00609         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->databox()); }
00611    void boundingbboxlist(BBoxList& bbl, const int l);
00612    void intbboxlist(BBoxList& bbl, const int l);
00613    void databboxlist(BBoxList& bbl, const int l);
00614    /*****************************************************************************/
00616    /*****************************************************************************/
00617    /* Query boundary info */
00618    /*****************************************************************************/
00619    inline int has_externalboundaries(const int t, const int l, const int c) const
00620         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->has_externalboundaries()); }
00621    inline int has_externalboundary(const int t, const int l, const int c, 
00622                                    const int dir) const
00623         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->has_externalboundary(dir)); }
00624    inline int externalboundaries(const int t, const int l, const int c, 
00625                                  const int dir) const
00626         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->externalboundaries(dir)); }
00627    inline int externalboundaries(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) 
00628         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->externalboundaries(dir)); }
00630    inline const BBoxList* externalbndrylist(const int t, const int l, const int c, 
00631                                             const int dir) const
00632         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->externalbndrylist(dir)); }
00633    inline BBoxList* externalbndrylist(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) 
00634         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->externalbndrylist(dir)); }
00636    inline int has_adaptiveboundaries(const int t, const int l, const int c) const
00637         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->has_adaptiveboundaries()); }
00638    inline int has_adaptiveboundary(const int t, const int l, const int c, 
00639                                    const int dir) const
00640         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->has_adaptiveboundary(dir)); }
00641    inline const BBox& adaptivebndrybox(const int t, const int l, const int c, 
00642                                        const int dir) const
00643         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->adaptivebndrybox(dir)); }
00644    inline BBox adaptivebndrybox(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) 
00645         { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->adaptivebndrybox(dir)); }
00646    /*****************************************************************************/
00648    /*****************************************************************************/
00649    /**** Operators ****/
00650    /*****************************************************************************/
00651    inline GridData<GFType,dim> const &operator () (const int t, 
00652                                                    const int l, const int c) const 
00653     { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->griddata()); }
00656    inline GridData<GFType,dim> &operator () (const int t, const int l, const int c) 
00657     { return (gdb[dagh_timeindex(t,l)][l][c]->griddata()); }
00659    /*********************************************************************/
00660    /* Operators */
00661    /*********************************************************************/
00662    void GF_Fill(const GFType& val, const int time, const int level);
00664    void GF_Copy(const int t1, const int l1, 
00665                 const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00666                 const int t2, const int l2, const BBox& where);
00667    void GF_Copy(const int t1, const int l1, 
00668                 const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00669                 const int t2, const int l2);
00671    void GF_equals(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where, 
00672                   const GFType& val);
00673    void GF_equals(const int t, const int l, 
00674                   const GFType& val);
00675    void GF_equals(const int t1, const int l1, 
00676                   const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00677                   const int t2, const int l2, const BBox& where);
00678    void GF_equals(const int t1, const int l1, 
00679                   const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00680                   const int t2, const int l2);
00682    void GF_plus(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where, 
00683                 const GFType& val);
00684    void GF_plus(const int t, const int l, const GFType& val);
00685    void GF_plus(const int t1, const int l1, 
00686                 const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00687                 const int t2, const int l2, const BBox& where);
00688    void GF_plus(const int t1, const int l1, 
00689                 const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00690                 const int t2, const int l2);
00692    void GF_minus(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where, 
00693                  const GFType& val);
00694    void GF_minus(const int t, const int l, const GFType& val);
00695    void GF_minus(const int t1, const int l1, 
00696                  const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00697                  const int t2, const int l2, const BBox& where);
00698    void GF_minus(const int t1, const int l1, 
00699                  const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00700                  const int t2, const int l2);
00702    void GF_multiply(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where, 
00703                     const GFType& val);
00704    void GF_multiply(const int t, const int l, const GFType& val);
00705    void GF_multiply(const int t1, const int l1, 
00706                     const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00707                     const int t2, const int l2, const BBox& where);
00708    void GF_multiply(const int t1, const int l1, 
00709                     const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00710                     const int t2, const int l2);
00712    void GF_divide(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where, 
00713                   const GFType& val);
00714    void GF_divide(const int t, const int l, const GFType& val);
00715    void GF_divide(const int t1, const int l1, 
00716                   const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00717                   const int t2, const int l2, const BBox& where);
00718    void GF_divide(const int t1, const int l1,
00719                   const GridFunction<GFType,dim>& rhs, 
00720                   const int t2, const int l2);
00721    /*********************************************************************/
00723    /*********************************************************************/
00724    /* Reduction Ops */
00725    /*********************************************************************/
00726    GFType GF_maxval(const int t, const int l);
00727    GFType GF_maxval(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where);
00729    GFType GF_minval(const int t, const int l);
00730    GFType GF_minval(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where);
00732    GFType GF_sum(const int t, const int l);
00733    GFType GF_sum(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where);
00735    GFType GF_product(const int t, const int l);
00736    GFType GF_product(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where);
00738    double GF_norm(const int t, const int l, const int param=DAGHNormL1);
00739    double GF_norm(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where, const int param=DAGHNormL1);
00740    /*********************************************************************/
00742    /*********************************************************************/
00743    /* IO Support */
00744    /*********************************************************************/
00745    void GF_Write(const int t, const int l, const int gfdtype, char* ioname=0);
00746    void GF_Write(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where, const int gfdtype, char* ioname=0);
00748    void GF_Read(const int t, const int l, const int gfdtype, char* ioname=0);
00749    void GF_Read(const int t, const int l, const BBox& where, const int gfdtype, char* ioname=0);
00750    void GF_Read(const int t, const int l, const BBox& to, const BBox& from, 
00751                 const int gfdtype, char* ioname=0);
00752    /*********************************************************************/
00754    /*****************************************************************************/
00755    /* Some Rudimentary debugging */
00756    /*****************************************************************************/
00757    std::ostream& GF_DebugPrintData(std::ostream& os, const int t, const int l);
00758    std::ostream& GF_DebugPrintIntData(std::ostream& os, const int t, const int l);
00759    std::ostream& GF_DebugPrintDataBlk(std::ostream& os, const int time, const int level);
00760    std::ostream& GF_DebugPrintTheData(std::ostream &os);
00762    /*****************************************************************************/
00764    friend std::ostream& operator<< <>(std::ostream&, const GridFunction<GFType,dim>&);
00765   };
00767 #include "GridFunction.ipp"
00768 #include "GridFunctionComm.ipp"
00769 #include "GridFunctionFuncs.ipp"
00770 #include "GridFunctionOps.ipp"
00771 #include "GridFunctionOpsRed.ipp"
00772 #include "GridFunctionBndry.ipp"
00773 #include "GridFunctionIO.ipp"
00775 /*********************************************************************/
00776 /*** Set it up ***/
00777 /*********************************************************************/
00778 inline void SetGridFunctionType(GridFunctionVoid& GFV,
00779                                 const int type) 
00780   { GFV.GF_SetGridFunctionType(type); }
00782 inline void SetCommType(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int c)
00783   { GFV.GF_SetCommType(c); }
00784 inline void SetBoundaryType(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int b)
00785   { GFV.GF_SetBoundaryType(b); }
00786 inline void SetAdaptBoundaryType(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int ab)
00787   { GFV.GF_SetAdaptBoundaryType(ab); }
00788 inline void SetExternalGhostFlag(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int e)
00789   { GFV.GF_SetExternalGhostFlag(e); }
00791 inline void SetProlongFlag(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int f)
00792   { GFV.GF_SetProlongFlag(f); }
00793 inline void SetRestrictFlag(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int f)
00794   { GFV.GF_SetRestrictFlag(f); }
00795 inline void SetBndryUpdateFlag(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int f)
00796   { GFV.GF_SetBndryUpdateFlag(f); }
00797 inline void SetAdaptBndryUpdateFlag(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int f)
00798   { GFV.GF_SetAdaptBndryUpdateFlag(f); }
00799 inline void SetIOFlag(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int f)
00800   { GFV.GF_SetIOFlag(f); }
00801 inline void SetCheckpointFlag(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int f)
00802   { GFV.GF_SetCheckpointFlag(f); }
00804 inline void SetBoundaryWidth(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int bw)
00805   { GFV.GF_BoundaryWidth(bw); }
00807 inline void SetExternalGhostWidth(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int ew)
00808   { GFV.GF_ExternalGhostWidth(ew); }
00810 inline void SetSpaceStencil(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int ss)
00811   { GFV.GF_SetSpaceStencil(ss); }
00812 inline void SetSpaceStencil(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int* ss)
00813   { GFV.GF_SetSpaceStencil(ss); }
00815 inline void SetTimeStencil(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int ts)
00816    { GFV.GF_SetTimeStencil(ts); }
00818 inline void SetTimeAlias(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int t, const int to)
00819    { GFV.GF_SetTimeAlias(t, to); }
00821 inline void SetAlignment(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int a)
00822    { GFV.GF_SetAlignment(a); }
00824 /*************************************************************************/
00825 /* Set/Query Updated Timestep Info */
00826 /*************************************************************************/
00827 inline int UpdatedValueAt(GridFunctionVoid &GFV)
00828    { return GFV.updatedvaluestep(); }
00829 inline void SetUpdatedValueStep(GridFunctionVoid& GFV, const int ustep) 
00830    { GFV.setupdatedvaluestep(ustep); }
00833 /*****************************************************************************/
00834 /* set and query user flags */
00835 /*****************************************************************************/
00836 inline void SetUserFlag(GridFunctionVoid& GFV,
00837                         const int id, const DAGHGFVFlagType& f)
00838    { GFV.GF_SetUserFlag(id, f); }
00840 inline DAGHGFVFlagType GetUserFlag(GridFunctionVoid& GFV,
00841                                    const int id)
00842    { return (GFV.GF_GetUserFlag(id)); }
00844 /*************************************************************************/
00845 /* Ghost communications */
00846 /*************************************************************************/
00847 inline 
00848 void Sync(std::list<GridFunctionVoid*> &gfvlist, const int t, const int l)
00849   {
00850     std::list<GridFunctionVoid*>::iterator gfv, gfvend = gfvlist.end();
00851     for (gfv = gfvlist.begin(); gfv != gfvend; ++gfv) {
00852       if ((*gfv)->comm()) (*gfv)->GF_WriteGhosts(t,l);
00853       if ((*gfv)->comm()) (*gfv)->GF_ReadGhosts(t,l);
00854     }
00855   }
00857 inline 
00858 void Sync(std::list<GridFunctionVoid*> &gfvlist, const int t, const int l,
00859           const int axis, const int dir)
00860   {
00861     std::list<GridFunctionVoid*>::iterator gfv, gfvend = gfvlist.end();
00862     for (gfv = gfvlist.begin(); gfv != gfvend; ++gfv) {
00863       if ((*gfv)->comm()) (*gfv)->GF_WriteGhosts(t,l,axis,dir);
00864       if ((*gfv)->comm()) (*gfv)->GF_ReadGhosts(t,l,axis,dir);
00865     }
00866   }
00868 #endif

Generated on Fri Aug 24 13:00:29 2007 for AMROC's Hierachical Data Structures - by  doxygen 1.4.7