

00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00003 #ifndef AMROC_PROBLEM_H
00004 #define AMROC_PROBLEM_H
00006 #define DIM  3
00007 #define NEQUATIONS 9  // Euler equations for gases in 3D (5 fields), 
00008                        // +1 fields for passive scalars
00009                        // +1 feild for temperature
00010                        // +1 feild to output dcflag and 
00011                        // +1 fieldsgske
00012 #define NVARS     6   // Fixup used only for vector of state and 2 scalars
00013 #define OWN_STATISTICS
00014 #define OWN_AMRSOLVER
00015 #include "WENOProblem.h"
00016 #include "WENOStdProblem.h"
00017 #ifdef OWN_STATISTICS
00018 #include "AMRInterpolation.h"
00019 #include "WENOStatistics.h"
00020 #endif
00022 #ifdef OWN_AMRSOLVER
00024 #define f_init_commongm FORTRAN_NAME(comblgm, COMBLGM)
00026 extern "C" {
00027   void f_init_commongm(const INTEGER& meqn, INTEGER* shape, DOUBLE* geom, 
00028                        INTEGER& maxlev, INTEGER* refine, INTEGER* per);
00029 }
00031 class SolverSpecific : 
00032   public AMRSolver<VectorType,FixupType,FlagType,DIM> {
00033   typedef AMRSolver<VectorType,FixupType,FlagType,DIM> base;
00034   typedef WENOFixup<VectorType,FixupType,DIM> weno_fixup_type;
00035   typedef WENOIntegrator<VectorType,DIM> weno_integ_type;
00036 #ifdef OWN_STATISTICS
00037   typedef AMRInterpolation<VectorType,DIM> interpolation_type;
00038   typedef WENOF77FileOutput<VectorType,DIM> output_type;
00039   typedef WENOStatistics<VectorType,interpolation_type,output_type,DIM> stat_type;
00040 #endif
00041 public:
00042   SolverSpecific(IntegratorSpecific& integ, 
00043                  base::initial_condition_type& init,
00044                  base::boundary_conditions_type& bc) :
00045     AMRSolver<VectorType,FixupType,FlagType,DIM>(integ, init, bc) {
00046     SetLevelTransfer(new F77LevelTransfer<VectorType,DIM>(f_prolong, f_restrict));
00047 #ifdef f_flgout
00048     SetFileOutput(new WENOF77FileOutput<VectorType,DIM>(f_flgout,f_bounds)); 
00049 #else   
00050     SetFileOutput(new FileOutput<VectorType,DIM>()); 
00051 #endif
00052     SetFixup(new FixupSpecific());
00053     SetFlagging(new FlaggingSpecific(*this)); 
00054 #ifdef OWN_STATISTICS
00055     _Interpolation = new interpolation_type();
00056     _Stats = new stat_type(_Interpolation, (output_type*)_FileOutput);
00057 #endif
00058   }
00060 #ifdef OWN_STATISTICS
00061     virtual void register_at(ControlDevice& Ctrl) { base::register_at(Ctrl); }
00062     virtual void register_at(ControlDevice& Ctrl, const std::string& prefix) {
00063         base::register_at(Ctrl, prefix);
00064         if (_Stats) _Stats->register_at(base::LocCtrl, ""); 
00065     }
00066 #endif
00068   virtual void SetupData() {
00069     base::SetupData();
00070     int dim = DIM;
00071     int d, per[DIM];
00072     for (d=0; d<dim; d++) { 
00073       per[d] = base::GH().periodicboundary(d);
00074     }
00075     f_init_commongm(dim,shape,geom,MaxLev,_RefineFactor,per);
00076 #ifdef OWN_STATISTICS
00077     _Interpolation->SetupData(base::PGH(), base::NGhosts());
00078     _Stats->Setup(base::PGH(), base::NGhosts(), base::shape, base::geom);
00079 #endif
00080   }
00082 #ifdef OWN_STATISTICS
00083     virtual void Advance(double& t, double& dt) {
00084         base::Advance(t, dt);
00085         _Stats->Evaluate(base::t, base::U(), base::Work());
00086     }
00088    virtual void Initialize_(const double& dt_start) { 
00089       base::Initialize_(dt_start);
00090       _Stats->Evaluate(base::t, base::U(), base::Work());
00091   }
00092 #endif
00094   ~SolverSpecific() {
00095     delete _LevelTransfer;
00096     delete _Flagging;
00097     delete _Fixup;
00098     delete _FileOutput;
00099 #ifdef OWN_STATISTICS
00100     delete _Interpolation;
00101     delete _Stats;
00102 #endif
00103   }
00104 #ifdef OWN_STATISTICS
00105 protected:
00106   interpolation_type* _Interpolation; 
00107   stat_type* _Stats;
00108 #endif
00109 };