

c     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
c                Non-linear mapping/entropy condition based detection
c     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      subroutine cles_dcflag(ux,vx,dcflag,ncomps,nvars,
     $     ixlo,ixhi,nx,dx,direction,extra)

      implicit none

      include 'airsf6.i' 
      include 'cles.i'
      include 'cuser.i'

      integer ncomps, nvars
      integer ixlo, ixhi
      integer nx, direction, extra(*)
      integer dcflag(1:nx+1,1)
      double precision ux(ncomps,ixlo:ixhi)
      double precision vx(nvars,ixlo:ixhi)
      double precision dx

      integer i, m, slow, shigh, l
      double precision dl, x
      double precision gl, Rol, ul, asl, hl, rhosqrtl
      double precision gr, Ror, ur, asr, hr, rhosqrtr
      double precision gtilde, utilde, astilde, htilde, rhotilde 
      double precision mu, tmp, scalg, scalm
      double precision d1r, d1l, d3r, d3l, theta

      integer dcspan, nfield
      parameter (dcspan = 3)
      parameter (nfield = 5) ! pressure

      dl = dx

c     Roe's linearized Riemann problem based detection

      do i = 1, nx+1, 1

c        First, determine the states for the local linearized Riemann problem
c        at the interface "i" between the cell centers "i-1" and "i".

c        Left state ql=q(i-1)
         call cles_gamma(vx(1,i-1),nvars,gl,Rol)
         ul = vx(2,i-1)
         asl = sqrt(gl*vx(5,i-1)/vx(1,i-1))
         hl = (ux(5,i-1)+vx(5,i-1))/vx(1,i-1)
         rhosqrtl = sqrt(vx(1,i-1))

c        Right state qr=q(i)
         call cles_gamma(vx(1,i),nvars,gr,Ror)
         ur = vx(2,i)
         asr = sqrt(gr*vx(5,i)/vx(1,i))
         hr = (ux(5,i)+vx(5,i))/ux(1,i)
         rhosqrtr = sqrt(vx(1,i))

c        Roe-averaged quantities
         call cles_roe(ux(1,i-1),ux(1,i),ncomps,vx(1,i-1),vx(1,i),
     &        nvars,gtilde,tmp,mu,0)
         utilde = (rhosqrtl*vx(2,i-1) + rhosqrtr*vx(2,i))
     &        /(rhosqrtl + rhosqrtr)
         htilde =  (rhosqrtl*hl + rhosqrtr*hr)
     &        /(rhosqrtl + rhosqrtr)
         astilde = sqrt((gtilde-1.0d0)*(htilde-0.5d0*utilde**2))
         rhotilde = sqrt(vx(1,i-1)*vx(1,i))

c     Second, apply normalized Lax's entropy condition (with some 
c     departure 'LaxThres' allowed) to determine which wave is a 
c     shock for the Riemann problem at the cell interface "i". 
c     Theoretically, a shock wave can only have the Jacobian eigenvalue 
c     u+a or u-a.

c        Lax's residual for wave with speed u-a        
         d1r = (utilde-astilde)-(ur-asr)
         d1r = d1r/astilde
         d1l = (ul-asl)-(utilde-astilde)
         d1l = d1l/astilde
c        Lax's residual for wave with speed u+a 
         d3r = (utilde+astilde)-(ur+asr)
         d3r = d3r/astilde
         d3l = (ul+asl)-(utilde+astilde)
         d3l = d3l/astilde
c     preselect strength
         if ((d1r.gt.0.0d0).and.(d1l.gt.0.0d0).and.
     &   (d3r.gt.0.0d0).and.(d3l.gt.0.0d0)) then !preselect shock
            if (((d1r.gt.ShockLaxThres).and.(d1l.gt.ShockLaxThres))
     &   .or.((d3r.gt.ShockLaxThres).and.(d3l.gt.ShockLaxThres))) then 

c              Third, flag shock using a mapping of pressure profile, 
c              with some thresholds to avoid flagging very weak shocks 
               theta = abs((vx(nfield,i)-vx(nfield,i-1))
     &              /(vx(nfield,i)+vx(nfield,i-1)))
               theta = 2.0d0*theta/(1.0d0+theta)**2.0d0
               if (theta.gt.MappThres) then
                  slow = max(i-dcspan,1)
                  shigh = min(i+1+dcspan,nx+1)
                  do m = slow, shigh
                     dcflag(m,direction) = CLES_SWITCH_WENO


         scalm = (vx(6,i) + vx(6,i-1))*0.5d0
         scalg = abs(vx(6,i) - vx(6,i-1))
         if ( scalg .gt. ScalThres .or. scalm .lt. -1.01d0 
     $        .or. scalm .gt. 1.01d0 ) then
            slow = max(i-2*dcspan,1)
            shigh = min(i+1+2*dcspan,nx+1)
            do m = slow, shigh
               dcflag(m,direction) = CLES_SWITCH_WENO


      ! Flag the wall
      do i = 1, nx
         call cles_xLocation(i, x)
         if ( x .gt. xmax-3*dx ) then
            dcflag(i+1,direction) = CLES_SWITCH_WENO
