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Two-dimensional test simulations of converging shocks

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A test calculation with a two-dimensional two-component approximate Roe solver originally developed for one-step chemistry.

  • [Source code]
  • Base grid 200x200 on domain [0,8]x[0,8]
  • 5 additional levels, refinement factors: 2,2,2,4,2

Development of adaptive mesh refinement:

Level step 1 Levels step 2 Levels step 3

Y1 Distribution
Mass fraction Distribution

-- RalfDeiterding - 12 Apr 2005

I Attachment sortup Size Date Who Comment
SchlDensity_Levels.mpg 1139.1 K 12 Apr 2005 - 19:15 RalfDeiterding Schlieren plot of density and refinement levels
Scalar_Pressure.mpg 773.1 K 12 Apr 2005 - 19:16 RalfDeiterding Color plots of mass fraction and pressure

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