

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00003 // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 California Institute of Technology
00004 // Ralf Deiterding, ralf@amroc.net
00006 #ifndef AMROC_RESOLVEPHI_H
00007 #define AMROC_RESOLVEPHI_H
00015 #include "StdCriterion.h"
00017 template <class VectorType, class FlagType, int dim> class PhiCriterion; 
00018 template <class VectorType, class FixupType, class FlagType, int dim> class AMRGFMSolver;
00026 template <class VectorType, class FlagType>
00027 class PhiCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,1> : 
00028   public StdCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,1> {
00029   typedef typename VectorType::InternalDataType DataType;
00030   typedef StdCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,1> base;
00031 public:
00032   typedef typename base::grid_fct_type grid_fct_type;
00033   typedef typename base::grid_data_type grid_data_type;
00035   PhiCriterion() : base() {}
00037   virtual ~PhiCriterion() {}
00039   virtual void IsolatedValue(grid_fct_type& work, const int& Time, const int& Level, 
00040                              int* Offset1, int* Offset2) {
00042     int TStep = TimeStep(work,Level);
00043     forall(work, Time, Level, c)
00044       BBox OpBox = work.interiorbbox(Time,Level,c);
00045       Coords& OpBox_stepsize = OpBox.stepsize();
00046       BeginFastIndex1(work, work(Time,Level,c).bbox(), 
00047                       work(Time,Level,c).data(), DataType);
00048       BeginFastIndex1(workout, work(Time+TStep,Level,c).bbox(), 
00049                       work(Time+TStep,Level,c).data(), DataType);
00051       Coords o1 = Coords(1,Offset1)*OpBox_stepsize;
00052       Coords o2 = Coords(1,Offset2)*OpBox_stepsize;
00053       for_1 (n, OpBox, OpBox_stepsize)
00054         if (FastIndex1(work,n+o1(0))!=FastIndex1(work,n) &&
00055             FastIndex1(work,n+o2(0))!=FastIndex1(work,n))
00056           FastIndex1(workout,n) = static_cast<DataType>(1.0);
00057       end_for
00059       EndFastIndex1(work);
00060       EndFastIndex1(workout);
00061     end_forall
00062   }
00064   virtual void Sgn(grid_data_type& work, const DataType& c) {
00065     BBox OpBox = work.bbox();
00066     Coords& OpBox_stepsize = OpBox.stepsize();
00067     BeginFastIndex1(work, OpBox, work.data(), DataType);
00068     for_1 (n, OpBox, OpBox_stepsize)
00069       FastIndex1(work,n) = (FastIndex1(work,n)>=c ? static_cast<DataType>(1.0) : 
00070                             static_cast<DataType>(-1.0)); 
00071     end_for
00072     EndFastIndex1(work);
00073   }
00074 };
00082 template <class VectorType, class FlagType>
00083 class PhiCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,2> : 
00084   public StdCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,2> {
00085   typedef typename VectorType::InternalDataType DataType;
00086   typedef StdCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,2> base;
00087 public:
00088   typedef typename base::grid_fct_type grid_fct_type;
00089   typedef typename base::grid_data_type grid_data_type;
00091   PhiCriterion() : base() {}
00093   virtual ~PhiCriterion() {}
00095   virtual void IsolatedValue(grid_fct_type& work, const int& Time, const int& Level, 
00096                              int* Offset1, int* Offset2) {
00098     int TStep = TimeStep(work,Level);
00099     forall(work, Time, Level, c)
00100       BBox OpBox = work.interiorbbox(Time,Level,c);
00101       Coords& OpBox_stepsize = OpBox.stepsize();
00102       BeginFastIndex2(work, work(Time,Level,c).bbox(), 
00103                       work(Time,Level,c).data(), DataType);
00104       BeginFastIndex2(workout, work(Time+TStep,Level,c).bbox(), 
00105                       work(Time+TStep,Level,c).data(), DataType);
00107       Coords o1 = Coords(2,Offset1)*OpBox_stepsize;
00108       Coords o2 = Coords(2,Offset2)*OpBox_stepsize;
00109       for_2 (n, m, OpBox, OpBox_stepsize)
00110         if (FastIndex2(work,n+o1(0),m+o1(1))!=FastIndex2(work,n,m) &&
00111             FastIndex2(work,n+o2(0),m+o2(1))!=FastIndex2(work,n,m))
00112           FastIndex2(workout,n,m) = static_cast<DataType>(1.0);
00113       end_for
00115       EndFastIndex2(work);
00116       EndFastIndex2(workout);
00117     end_forall
00118   }
00120   virtual void Sgn(grid_data_type& work, const DataType& c) {
00121     BBox OpBox = work.bbox();
00122     Coords& OpBox_stepsize = OpBox.stepsize();
00123     BeginFastIndex2(work, OpBox, work.data(), DataType);
00124     for_2 (n, m, OpBox, OpBox_stepsize)
00125       FastIndex2(work,n,m) = (FastIndex2(work,n,m)>=c ? static_cast<DataType>(1.0) : 
00126                               static_cast<DataType>(-1.0)); 
00127     end_for
00128     EndFastIndex2(work);
00129   }
00130 };
00138 template <class VectorType, class FlagType>
00139 class PhiCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,3> : 
00140   public StdCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,3> {
00141   typedef typename VectorType::InternalDataType DataType;
00142   typedef StdCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,3> base;
00143 public:
00144   typedef typename base::grid_fct_type grid_fct_type;
00145   typedef typename base::grid_data_type grid_data_type;
00147   PhiCriterion() : base() {}
00149   virtual ~PhiCriterion() {}
00151   virtual void IsolatedValue(grid_fct_type& work, const int& Time, const int& Level, 
00152                              int* Offset1, int* Offset2) {
00154     int TStep = TimeStep(work,Level);
00155     forall(work, Time, Level, c)
00156       BBox OpBox = work.interiorbbox(Time,Level,c);
00157       Coords& OpBox_stepsize = OpBox.stepsize();
00158       BeginFastIndex3(work, work(Time,Level,c).bbox(), 
00159                       work(Time,Level,c).data(), DataType);
00160       BeginFastIndex3(workout, work(Time+TStep,Level,c).bbox(), 
00161                       work(Time+TStep,Level,c).data(), DataType);
00163       Coords o1 = Coords(3,Offset1)*OpBox_stepsize;
00164       Coords o2 = Coords(3,Offset2)*OpBox_stepsize;
00165       for_3 (n, m, l, OpBox, OpBox_stepsize)
00166         if (FastIndex3(work,n+o1(0),m+o1(1),l+o1(2))!=FastIndex3(work,n,m,l) &&
00167             FastIndex3(work,n+o2(0),m+o2(1),l+o2(2))!=FastIndex3(work,n,m,l))
00168           FastIndex3(workout,n,m,l) = static_cast<DataType>(1.0);
00169       end_for
00171       EndFastIndex3(work);
00172       EndFastIndex3(workout);
00173     end_forall
00174   }
00176   virtual void Sgn(grid_data_type& work, const DataType& c) {
00177     BBox OpBox = work.bbox();
00178     Coords& OpBox_stepsize = OpBox.stepsize();
00179     BeginFastIndex3(work, OpBox, work.data(), DataType);
00180     for_3 (n, m, l, OpBox, OpBox_stepsize)
00181       FastIndex3(work,n,m,l) = (FastIndex3(work,n,m,l)>=c ? static_cast<DataType>(1.0) : 
00182                                 static_cast<DataType>(-1.0)); 
00183     end_for
00184     EndFastIndex3(work);
00185   }
00186 };
00195 template <class VectorType, class Fixup, class FlagType, int dim>
00196 class ResolvePhi : 
00197   public PhiCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,dim> {
00198   typedef typename VectorType::InternalDataType DataType;
00199   typedef PhiCriterion<VectorType,FlagType,dim> base;
00200 public:
00201   typedef AMRGFMSolver<VectorType,FixupType,FlagType,dim> gfm_solver_type;
00202   typedef GhostFluidMethod<VectorType,dim> gfm_type;
00203   typedef typename base::vec_grid_fct_type vec_grid_fct_type;  
00204   typedef typename base::grid_fct_type grid_fct_type;
00205   typedef typename base::flag_fct_type flag_fct_type;
00206   typedef typename base::max_vector_type max_vector_type;
00208   ResolvePhi(gfm_solver_type& solver, bool shadow) : base(), _solver(solver) {
00209     base::SetShadowCriterion(shadow);
00210     for (register int i=0; i<MAXCOMPONENTS; i++) {
00211       if (i<solver.NGFM()) Use[i] = 1; 
00212       else Use[i] = 0; 
00213     }
00214   }
00216   virtual ~ResolvePhi() {}
00218   virtual void register_at(ControlDevice& Ctrl) {}
00219   virtual void register_at(ControlDevice& Ctrl, const std::string& prefix) {
00220     if (!base::ShadowCriterion()) 
00221       base::LocCtrl = Ctrl.getSubDevice(prefix+"ResolvePhi");
00222     else
00223       base::LocCtrl = Ctrl.getSubDevice(prefix+"ResolvePhish");      
00224     char Name[16];
00225     for (int d=0; d<max_vector_type::Length(); d++) {
00226       std::sprintf(Name,"Use(%d)",d+1);
00227       RegisterAt(base::LocCtrl,Name,Use[d]);
00228       std::sprintf(Name,"MaxLev(%d)",d+1);
00229       RegisterAt(base::LocCtrl,Name,base::_MaxLevel[d]);
00230     }    
00231     RegisterAt(base::LocCtrl,"Output",base::_Output);
00232   }
00234   virtual void update() { 
00235     int d=max_vector_type::Length();
00236     for (; d>0; d--) 
00237       if (Use[d-1] > 0) 
00238         break;
00239     if (d>0) {
00240       base::SetNcnt(d);
00241       base::SetIsUsed(true);
00242     }
00243     else 
00244       base::SetIsUsed(false);
00245   }
00247   virtual bool SetFlags(vec_grid_fct_type& u, grid_fct_type& work, flag_fct_type& flags, 
00248                         const int& cnt, const int& Time, const int& Level, const double& t, 
00249                         const FlagType& FlagValue) {
00251     if (Use[cnt] <= 0 || cnt>=NGFM() || !GFM(cnt).IsUsed()) return false;
00252     int TStep = TimeStep(work,Level);
00253     if (base::MaxLevel(cnt)<Level && base::MaxLevel(cnt)>=0) {
00254       if (base::OutputFlags()) {
00255         forall(work,Time,Level,c)
00256           work(Time+TStep,Level,c) = static_cast<DataType>(0.0);
00257         end_forall 
00258       }
00259       return true;
00260     }
00262     DataType md = -GFM(cnt).Boundary().Cutoff();
00263     forall(work,Time,Level,c)
00264       work(Time,Level,c).equals((GFM(cnt).Phi())(Time,Level,c));
00265       DCoords dx = base::GH().worldStep((GFM(cnt).Phi())(Time,Level,c).stepsize());
00266       if (!base::ShadowCriterion()) 
00267         work(Time,Level,c).equals((GFM(cnt).Phi())(Time,Level,c));
00268       else
00269         work(Time,Level,c).equals((GFM(cnt).Phish())(Time,Level,c));
00270       base::Sgn(work(Time,Level,c),md);
00271     end_forall 
00273     forall(work,Time,Level,c)
00274       work(Time+TStep,Level,c) = static_cast<DataType>(0.0);
00275     end_forall 
00277     if (dim == 1) {
00278       int East[1]  = { 1 }; int West[1]  = { -1 };
00279       base::IsolatedValue(work, Time, Level, East, West);
00280     }
00281     else if (dim == 2) {
00282       int East[2]  = { 1, 0 }; int West[2]  = { -1, 0 };
00283       int North[2] = { 0, 1 }; int South[2] = { 0, -1 };
00284       base::IsolatedValue(work, Time, Level, East, West);
00285       base::IsolatedValue(work, Time, Level, North, South);
00286     }
00287     else if (dim == 3) {
00288       int East[3]  = { 1, 0, 0 }; int West[3]   = {-1,  0,  0 };
00289       int North[3] = { 0, 1, 0 }; int South[3]  = { 0, -1,  0 };
00290       int Top[3]   = { 0, 0, 1 }; int Bottom[3] = { 0,  0, -1 };
00291       base::IsolatedValue(work, Time, Level, East, West);
00292       base::IsolatedValue(work, Time, Level, North, South);
00293       base::IsolatedValue(work, Time, Level, Top, Bottom);
00294     }      
00295     int growby = (_solver.Bufferwidth()>0 ? 0 : 1);
00296     base::FlagByValue(work, flags, Time, Level, static_cast<DataType>(0.5), 
00297                       FlagValue, 0, growby);
00298     return true;
00299   }
00301   inline gfm_type& GFM(const int& n) { return _solver.GFM(n); }
00302   inline const int& NGFM() { return _solver.NGFM(); }
00304   virtual void OutputName(char* name, int cnt) { 
00305     if (!base::ShadowCriterion()) 
00306       std::sprintf(name,"resolve_phi_%d",cnt+1); 
00307     else
00308       std::sprintf(name,"resolve_phish_%d",cnt+1);       
00309   }
00311 protected:
00312   gfm_solver_type _solver;
00313   int Use[MAXCOMPONENTS];
00314 };
00316 #endif

Generated on Fri Aug 24 13:00:53 2007 for AMROC Fluid-solver Framework - by  doxygen 1.4.7