

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00003 // Copyright (C) 2002 Ralf Deiterding
00004 // Brandenburgische Universitaet Cottbus
00005 //
00006 // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 California Institute of Technology
00007 // Ralf Deiterding, ralf@amroc.net
00009 #ifndef AMROC_SOLVERBASE_H
00010 #define AMROC_SOLVERBASE_H
00019 #include "DAGH.h"
00020 #include "DAGHIO.h"             
00021 #include "DAGHCluster.h"
00023 #include "Solver.h"
00024 #include "Timing.h" 
00025 #include "Integrator.h"
00026 #include "InitialCondition.h"
00027 #include "BoundaryConditions.h"
00028 #include "LevelTransfer.h"
00029 #include "AMRFlagging.h"
00030 #include "AMRFixup.h"
00031 #include "ExactSolution.h"
00032 #include "FileOutput.h"
00033 #include "VectorGridDataOps.h"
00035 #include <iostream>
00036 #include <string>
00037 #include <cstdio>
00038 #include <cstdlib>
00039 #include <cfloat>
00040 #include <stdio.h>
00042 #define FixedTimeSteps               (0)
00043 #define AutomaticTimeStepsNoRestart  (1)
00044 #define AutomaticTimeStepsRestart    (2)
00045 #define MaxCutOffRegions            (10)
00046 #define MaxAMRTimeSteps             (10)
00047 #define FACTOR 1.0e5
00049 class AMRTimeStep : public controlable {
00050 public:
00051   AMRTimeStep() : LastTime(1.e37), VariableTimeStepping(2) {
00052     dtv[0] = 0.01; 
00053     dtv[1] = 0.02;
00054     cflv[0] = 0.9;
00055     cflv[1] = 0.8;
00056   }
00058   virtual ~AMRTimeStep() {}
00060   virtual void register_at(ControlDevice& Ctrl) {}
00061   virtual void register_at(ControlDevice& Ctrl, const std::string& prefix) {
00062     LocCtrl = Ctrl.getSubDevice(prefix+"TimeControl");
00063     RegisterAt(LocCtrl,"LastTime",LastTime);
00064     RegisterAt(LocCtrl,"StepMode",VariableTimeStepping);
00065     RegisterAt(LocCtrl,"TimeStep",dtv[0]);
00066     RegisterAt(LocCtrl,"TimeStepMax",dtv[1]);
00067     RegisterAt(LocCtrl,"CFLRestart",cflv[0]);
00068     RegisterAt(LocCtrl,"CFLControl",cflv[1]);
00069   }
00071 public: 
00072   double LastTime;
00073   int VariableTimeStepping;
00074   double dtv[2], cflv[2];
00075   ControlDevice LocCtrl;     
00076 };
00088 template <class VectorType, class FixupType, class FlagType, int dim>
00089 class AMRSolverBase : public Solver {
00090   typedef AMRBase<VectorType,dim> base;
00091   typedef typename VectorType::InternalDataType DataType;
00092 public:
00093   typedef GridFunction<VectorType,dim> vec_grid_fct_type;  
00094   typedef GridData<VectorType,dim> vec_grid_data_type;  
00095   typedef GridFunction<DataType,dim> grid_fct_type;
00096   typedef GridData<DataType,dim> grid_data_type;
00098   typedef Integrator<VectorType,dim> integrator_type;
00099   typedef InitialCondition<VectorType,dim> initial_condition_type;
00100   typedef BoundaryConditions<VectorType,dim> boundary_conditions_type;
00101   typedef LevelTransfer<VectorType,dim> leveltransfer_type;
00102   typedef AMRFlagging<VectorType,FixupType,FlagType,dim> flagging_type;
00103   typedef AMRFixup<VectorType,FixupType,dim> fixup_type;
00104   typedef ExactSolution<VectorType,dim> exact_solution_type;
00105   typedef FileOutput<VectorType,dim> file_output_type;
00107   typedef GFBndryUpdateSpecificFunc<boundary_conditions_type,VectorType,dim> boundary_functor_type;
00108   typedef GFLevelTransferSpecificFunc<leveltransfer_type,VectorType,dim> leveltransfer_functor_type;
00109   typedef GFAdptBndryUpdateSpecificFunc<leveltransfer_type,VectorType,dim> adaptbnd_functor_type;
00111   AMRSolverBase(integrator_type& integ, initial_condition_type& init, boundary_conditions_type& bc) : 
00112     _Integrator(integ), _InitialCondition(init), _BoundaryConditions(bc),
00113     _Equations(VectorType::Length()), _Ghosts(2), _Dim(dim), RedistributeEvery(0), 
00114     Distribution(DAGHCompositeDistribution), MaxLev(1), GuCFactor(2), MaxGridBoxSize(0), CutOffs(0), 
00115     NAMRTimeSteps(1), firstnode(0), lastnode(-1), UseIOServer(0) {
00116     for (register int d=0; d<dim; d++) {
00117       shape[d] = 2;
00118       geom[2*d] = 0.0;
00119       geom[2*d+1] = 1.0;
00120       periodic[d] = DAGHFalse;
00121     }    
00122     for (register int i=0; i<DAGHMaxLevels; i++)
00123       _RefineFactor[i] = DAGHDefaultRefineFactor;
00125     _Hierarchy = (GridHierarchy*) 0;
00126     _u = (vec_grid_fct_type *) 0;
00127     _u_sh = (vec_grid_fct_type *) 0;
00128     _work = (grid_fct_type *) 0;
00129     _work_sh = (grid_fct_type *) 0;
00130     _LevelTransfer = (leveltransfer_type *) 0;
00131     _Flagging = (flagging_type *) 0;
00132     _Fixup = (fixup_type *) 0;
00133     _ExactSolution = (exact_solution_type *) 0;
00134     _FileOutput = (file_output_type *) 0;
00135     _BoundaryFunc = (boundary_functor_type *) 0;
00136     _ProlongFunc = (leveltransfer_functor_type *) 0;
00137     _RestrictFunc = (leveltransfer_functor_type *) 0;
00138     _AdaptBndFunc = (adaptbnd_functor_type *) 0;
00139     _LastOutputTime = -1;
00140     CheckpointName = "checkpt";
00141     CheckpointSave = 1;
00142     FinalWaitingTime = 10.;
00143   }
00145   virtual ~AMRSolverBase() {
00146     if (_u) delete _u;
00147     if (_u_sh) delete _u_sh;
00148     if (_work) delete _work;
00149     if (_work_sh) delete _work_sh;
00150     if (_BoundaryFunc) delete _BoundaryFunc;
00151     if (_ProlongFunc) delete _ProlongFunc;
00152     if (_RestrictFunc) delete _RestrictFunc;
00153     if (_AdaptBndFunc) delete _AdaptBndFunc;
00154     if (_Hierarchy) delete _Hierarchy;
00155   }
00157   //******************************************************************************
00158   // Abstract class interface
00159   //******************************************************************************
00160   virtual double Tick(int VariableTimeStepping, const double dtv[], const double cflv[],
00161                       int& Rejections) = 0;
00162   virtual double IntegrateLevel(vec_grid_fct_type& u, const int Time, const int Level, 
00163                                 double t, double dt, bool DoFixup, double tc, 
00164                                 const int which) = 0;
00165   virtual void Initialize_(const double& dt_start) = 0;    
00166   virtual bool Restart_(const char* CheckpointFile) = 0;  
00167   virtual void Checkpointing_(const char* CheckpointFile) = 0;  
00168   //******************************************************************************
00170   virtual void register_at(ControlDevice& Ctrl, const std::string& prefix) {
00171     PCtrl = Ctrl.getSubDevice("LocalGroup");
00172     RegisterAt(PCtrl,"FirstNode",firstnode);
00173     RegisterAt(PCtrl,"LastNode",lastnode);
00174     RegisterAt(PCtrl,"UseIOServer",UseIOServer);
00176     GHCtrl = Ctrl.getSubDevice("GridHierarchy");
00177     char VariableName[32];
00178     for (int d=0; d<dim; d++) {
00179       std::sprintf(VariableName,"Cells(%d)",d+1);
00180       RegisterAt(GHCtrl,VariableName,shape[d]);
00181       std::sprintf(VariableName,"GeomMin(%d)",d+1);
00182       RegisterAt(GHCtrl,VariableName,geom[2*d]);
00183       std::sprintf(VariableName,"GeomMax(%d)",d+1);
00184       RegisterAt(GHCtrl,VariableName,geom[2*d+1]);     
00185       std::sprintf(VariableName,"PeriodicBoundary(%d)",d+1);
00186       RegisterAt(GHCtrl,VariableName,periodic[d]);     
00187     }
00188     for (int nc=0; nc<MaxCutOffRegions; nc++) {
00189       for (int d=0; d<dim; d++) 
00190         for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
00191           std::sprintf(VariableName,"CCells(%d,%d,%d)",nc+1,j+1,d+1);
00192           RegisterAt(GHCtrl,VariableName,cuts[nc*2*dim+2*d+j]); 
00193           cuts[nc*2*dim+2*d+j] = -100000;
00194         }
00195     }
00196     RegisterAt(GHCtrl,"CutOffs",CutOffs); 
00197     for (register int i=0; i<DAGHMaxLevels; i++) {
00198       std::sprintf(VariableName,"RefineFactor(%d)",i+1);
00199       RegisterAt(GHCtrl,VariableName,_RefineFactor[i]);
00200     }
00201     RegisterAt(GHCtrl,"RedistributeEvery",RedistributeEvery);
00202     RegisterAt(GHCtrl,"MaxLevels",MaxLev);
00203     RegisterAt(GHCtrl,"Distribution",Distribution);
00204     RegisterAt(GHCtrl,"GuCFactor",GuCFactor); 
00205     RegisterAt(GHCtrl,"MaxGridBoxSize",MaxGridBoxSize); 
00206     RegisterAt(GHCtrl,"GhostCells",_Ghosts);
00207     RegisterAt(GHCtrl,"CheckpointName",CheckpointName);    
00208     RegisterAt(GHCtrl,"CheckpointSave",CheckpointSave);
00209     RegisterAt(GHCtrl,"FinalWaitingTime",FinalWaitingTime);
00211     Step[0].register_at(Ctrl,"");
00212     for (int cs=0; cs<MaxAMRTimeSteps; cs++) {
00213       char text[5];
00214       std::sprintf(text,"%d-",cs+1);
00215       Step[cs].register_at(Ctrl,std::string(text));
00216     }
00217     RegisterAt(Ctrl,"TimeControls",NAMRTimeSteps); 
00219     _Integrator.register_at(Ctrl, "");
00220     _InitialCondition.register_at(Ctrl, "");
00221     _BoundaryConditions.register_at(Ctrl, ""); 
00222     if (_LevelTransfer) _LevelTransfer->register_at(Ctrl, ""); 
00223     if (_Flagging) _Flagging->register_at(Ctrl, ""); 
00224     if (_Fixup) _Fixup->register_at(Ctrl, ""); 
00225     if (_ExactSolution) _ExactSolution->register_at(Ctrl, ""); 
00226     if (_FileOutput) _FileOutput->register_at(Ctrl, ""); 
00227   }
00228   virtual void register_at(ControlDevice& Ctrl) { register_at(Ctrl, ""); }
00230   virtual void init() {
00231     _Integrator.init();
00232     _InitialCondition.init();
00233     _BoundaryConditions.init();
00234     if (_LevelTransfer) _LevelTransfer->init();
00235     if (_Flagging) _Flagging->init();
00236     if (_Fixup) _Fixup->init();
00237     if (_ExactSolution) _ExactSolution->init();
00238     if (_FileOutput) _FileOutput->init();
00239   }
00240   virtual void update() {
00241     _Integrator.update();
00242     _InitialCondition.update();
00243     _BoundaryConditions.update();
00244     if (_LevelTransfer) _LevelTransfer->update();
00245     if (_Flagging) _Flagging->update();
00246     if (_Fixup) _Fixup->update();
00247     if (_ExactSolution) _ExactSolution->update();
00248     if (_FileOutput) _FileOutput->update();
00250   }
00251   virtual void finish() {
00253 #ifdef TIMING_AMR
00254     if (_Hierarchy) {
00255       Timing::collect(Comm());
00256 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00257       Timing::print_local(comm_service::log());
00258 #endif
00259       if (MY_PROC == VizServer)
00260         Timing::print(std::cout);
00261     }
00262 #endif
00263     _Integrator.finish();
00264     _InitialCondition.finish();
00265     _BoundaryConditions.finish();
00266     if (_LevelTransfer) _LevelTransfer->finish();
00267     if (_Flagging) _Flagging->finish();
00268     if (_Fixup) _Fixup->finish();
00269     if (_ExactSolution) _ExactSolution->finish();
00270     if (_FileOutput) _FileOutput->finish();
00271     if (_u) {
00272       delete _u;
00273       _u = (vec_grid_fct_type *) 0;
00274     }
00275     if (_u_sh) { 
00276       delete _u_sh;
00277       _u_sh = (vec_grid_fct_type *) 0;
00278     }
00279     if (_work) {
00280       delete _work;
00281       _work = (grid_fct_type *) 0;
00282     }
00283     if (_work_sh) {
00284       delete _work_sh;
00285       _work_sh = (grid_fct_type *) 0;
00286     }
00287     if (_BoundaryFunc) {
00288       delete _BoundaryFunc;
00289       _BoundaryFunc = (boundary_functor_type *) 0;
00290     }
00291     if (_ProlongFunc) {
00292       delete _ProlongFunc;
00293       _ProlongFunc = (leveltransfer_functor_type *) 0;
00294     }
00295     if (_RestrictFunc) {
00296       delete _RestrictFunc;
00297       _RestrictFunc = (leveltransfer_functor_type *) 0;
00298     }
00299     if (_AdaptBndFunc) {
00300       delete _AdaptBndFunc;
00301       _AdaptBndFunc = (adaptbnd_functor_type *) 0;
00302     }
00303 #ifndef DAGH_NO_MPI
00304     if (FinalWaitingTime>0. && (_Hierarchy!=(GridHierarchy *) 0)) {
00305       double start_finalize = MPI_Wtime();
00306       while (MPI_Wtime()-start_finalize < FinalWaitingTime) {}
00307     }
00308 #endif
00310     if (_Hierarchy) delete _Hierarchy;
00311     _Hierarchy = (GridHierarchy *) 0;
00313 #ifndef DAGH_NO_MPI
00314     comm_service::clean();
00315 #endif
00316   } 
00318   virtual bool setup() {
00319     bool ret = true;
00320     //---------------------------------------------------------------
00321     // Reserve last node for IO
00322     //---------------------------------------------------------------
00323     if (UseIOServer) comm_service::set_io_enable();
00324     else comm_service::reset_io_enable();
00326 #ifndef DAGH_NO_MPI
00327     int size, rank = 0;
00328     MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
00329     MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
00331     if (firstnode<0) firstnode=0;
00332     if (lastnode>size-1 || lastnode<0) lastnode=size-1;
00334     if (firstnode<=rank && rank<=lastnode) {
00335       MPI_Group GrpWorld, GrpLocal;
00336       MPI_Comm CommLocal;
00337       MPI_Comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &GrpWorld);
00339       int* localranks = new int [lastnode-firstnode+1];
00340       int localcnt = 0;
00341       for (register int i=firstnode; i<=lastnode; i++)
00342         localranks[localcnt++] = i;
00344       MPI_Group_incl(GrpWorld, localcnt, localranks, &GrpLocal);
00345       MPI_Comm_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, GrpLocal, &CommLocal);
00347       comm_service::init(CommLocal);
00349       SetupData();
00350       ret = COMPUTE_NODE;
00351     }
00352     else 
00353       ret = false;
00354 #else
00355     firstnode=0;
00356     lastnode=0;    
00357     SetupData();
00358     ret = COMPUTE_NODE;
00359 #endif
00360     return ret;
00361   }
00363   virtual void SetupGridHierarchy() {
00364     _Hierarchy = new GridHierarchy(dim,DAGHCellCentered,MaxLev);
00365     SetBaseGrid(GH(),geom,shape,CutOffs,cuts);   
00366     for (register int l=0; l<MaxLev-1; l++) {
00367       if (_RefineFactor[l]<DAGHDefaultRefineFactor)
00368         _RefineFactor[l] = DAGHDefaultRefineFactor;
00369       if (ErrorEstimation() && _RefineFactor[l]%DAGHShadowFactor && l<MaxLev-2) {
00370         std::cout << "   RefineFactor(" << l+1
00371                   << ") is not dividable by Shadowfactor()." 
00372                   << " Can't use error estimation.\n" << std::flush;
00373         Flagging_().SetErrorEstimation(false);
00374       } 
00375       SetRefineFactor(GH(),l,_RefineFactor[l]); 
00376     }
00378     SetBoundaryWidth(GH(),NGhosts());
00379     SetBoundaryType(GH(),DAGHBoundaryUserDef); 
00380     if (ErrorEstimation()) 
00381       GuCFactor = Max(GuCFactor,DAGHShadowFactor);
00382     if (GuCFactor) SetGuCFactor(GH(),GuCFactor);
00383     if (MaxGridBoxSize) SetMaxGridBoxSize(GH(), MaxGridBoxSize);
00384     for (int d=0; d<dim; d++)
00385       if (periodic[d]) SetPeriodicBoundaries(GH(),d,DAGHTrue);
00386     SetDistributionType(GH(),Distribution);
00388     if (_FileOutput) _FileOutput->SetupData(PGH(), NGhosts());
00390     ComposeHierarchy(GH());     
00391     _Integrator.SetupData(PGH(), NGhosts());
00392     _InitialCondition.SetupData(PGH(), NGhosts());
00393     _BoundaryConditions.SetupData(PGH(), NGhosts());
00394     if (_LevelTransfer) _LevelTransfer->SetupData(PGH(), NGhosts());
00395     if (_Flagging) _Flagging->SetupData(PGH(), NGhosts());
00396     if (_Fixup) _Fixup->SetupData(PGH(), NGhosts());
00397     if (_ExactSolution) _ExactSolution->SetupData(PGH(), NGhosts());
00398   }
00400   virtual void SetupData() {
00401     if (_Hierarchy==(GridHierarchy *) 0) 
00402       SetupGridHierarchy();
00404     //---------------------------------------------------------------
00405     //  Declare and register available functors for GridFunctions
00406     //---------------------------------------------------------------
00407     _BoundaryFunc = new boundary_functor_type(&_BoundaryConditions, &boundary_conditions_type::SetBndry);
00408     if (_LevelTransfer) {
00409       _ProlongFunc = new leveltransfer_functor_type(_LevelTransfer, &leveltransfer_type::Prolong);
00410       _RestrictFunc = new leveltransfer_functor_type(_LevelTransfer, &leveltransfer_type::Restrict);
00411       if (_LevelTransfer->UseAdaptBndry()) 
00412         _AdaptBndFunc = new adaptbnd_functor_type(_LevelTransfer, &leveltransfer_type::SetAdaptBndry);
00413     }
00415     //---------------------------------------------------------------
00416     //  Declare GridFunctions    
00417     //---------------------------------------------------------------
00418     AllocError::SetTexts("Solver::SetupData","allocation of GridFunctions");
00419     int t_sten = 1;   
00420     int s_sten = NGhosts();       
00421     std::sprintf(GFName,"u");
00422     _u = new vec_grid_fct_type(GFName, t_sten, s_sten, GH(), DAGHCommSimple);
00423     SetTimeAlias(U(), -1, 1);
00424     SetBndryUpdateFunction(U(), _BoundaryFunc);
00425     if (_LevelTransfer) {
00426       SetProlongFunction(U(), _ProlongFunc);
00427       SetRestrictFunction(U(), _RestrictFunc);
00428       if (_LevelTransfer->UseAdaptBndry()) {
00429         U().GF_SetAdaptBoundaryType(_LevelTransfer->AdaptiveBoundaryType());
00430         U().GF_SetAdaptiveBndryUpdateFunc(_AdaptBndFunc);
00431       }
00432     }
00434     if (ErrorEstimation()) {
00435       std::sprintf(GFNamesh,"ush");     
00436       _u_sh = new vec_grid_fct_type(GFNamesh, t_sten, s_sten,  
00437                                     DAGHShadowFactor, GH(), DAGHCommSimple);
00438       SetTimeAlias(Ush(), -1, 1);
00439       SetBndryUpdateFunction(Ush(), _BoundaryFunc);
00440       if (_LevelTransfer) {
00441         SetProlongFunction(Ush(), _ProlongFunc);
00442         SetRestrictFunction(Ush(), _RestrictFunc);
00443         if (_LevelTransfer->UseAdaptBndry()) {
00444           Ush().GF_SetAdaptBoundaryType(_LevelTransfer->AdaptiveBoundaryType());
00445           Ush().GF_SetAdaptiveBndryUpdateFunc(_AdaptBndFunc);
00446         }
00447       }
00448     }
00450     // One work array with two time steps and Shadow-hierarchy is typically necessary 
00451     std::sprintf(IOName,"IOPlaceholder"); 
00452     _work = new grid_fct_type(IOName, t_sten, s_sten, GH(), DAGHCellCentered, DAGHCommSimple, 
00453                              DAGHNoBoundary, DAGHNoAdaptBoundary, DAGHNoExternalGhost);
00454     SetCheckpointFlag(Work(), DAGHFalse);
00455     Work().GF_SetMaxRecomposeLevel(DAGHNull);
00456     SetTimeAlias(Work(), -1, 1);
00458     if (ErrorEstimation()) {
00459       std::sprintf(IONamesh,"IOPlaceholdersh"); 
00460       _work_sh = new grid_fct_type(IONamesh, t_sten, s_sten, GH(), DAGHCellCentered, 0, 
00461                                    DAGHShadowFactor, DAGH_All, DAGHCommSimple, 
00462                                    DAGHNoBoundary, DAGHNoAdaptBoundary, DAGHNoExternalGhost);
00463       SetCheckpointFlag(Worksh(), DAGHFalse);
00464       Worksh().GF_SetMaxRecomposeLevel(DAGHNull);
00465       SetTimeAlias(Worksh(), -1, 1);
00466     }
00467   } 
00469   virtual void Initialize(double& t, double &dt) {
00470     int me = MY_PROC;
00471     if (me == VizServer)    
00472       std::cout << " --- Initializing --- " << std::flush;
00473     Initialize_(Step[0].dtv[0]);  
00474     if (me == VizServer)    
00475       std::cout << " Levels=" << FineLevel(GH())+1 << std::endl;
00476     double Current_Time, Next_Time;
00477     GH().DAGH_GetTimeSpecs(Current_Time, Next_Time);
00478     if (_ExactSolution) 
00479       _ExactSolution->ErrorNorm(U(), Work(), Current_Time);
00480     t = Current_Time;
00481     dt = Next_Time-Current_Time;
00482   }
00484   virtual void Restart(double& t, double &dt) {
00485     int me = MY_PROC;
00486     if (me == VizServer)     
00487       std::cout << " --- Restarting from " << CheckpointName.c_str()
00488                 << " --- " << std::flush;
00489     if (Restart_(CheckpointName.c_str())) {
00490       if (me == VizServer)    
00491         std::cout << "   Last Iteration: " << StepsTaken(GH(),0) << std::endl;
00493       double Current_Time, Next_Time;
00494       GH().DAGH_GetTimeSpecs(Current_Time, Next_Time);
00495       if (_ExactSolution) 
00496         _ExactSolution->ErrorNorm(U(), Work(), Current_Time);
00497       t = Current_Time;
00498       dt = Next_Time-Current_Time;
00499     }
00500     else {
00501       if (me == VizServer)    
00502         std::cout << "   File not found. " << std::endl;
00503     }
00504   }
00506   virtual void Advance(double& t, double& dt) {
00507     int me = MY_PROC;
00508     double Current_Time, Next_Time, Final_Time;
00509     GH().DAGH_GetTimeSpecs(Current_Time, Next_Time);
00510     Final_Time = Current_Time + dt;
00512     int CStepControl = 0;    
00514     while (Final_Time+DBL_EPSILON*FACTOR>Step[CStepControl].LastTime && CStepControl<NAMRTimeSteps)
00515       CStepControl++;  
00516     if (CStepControl>=NAMRTimeSteps) CStepControl = NAMRTimeSteps-1;
00518     if (Step[CStepControl].LastTime-Current_Time > DBL_EPSILON*FACTOR ||
00519         CStepControl==NAMRTimeSteps-1) {   
00521       if (Next_Time > Final_Time)
00522         SetTimeSpecs(GH(), Current_Time, Final_Time, 2);
00524       if (me == VizServer) { 
00525         std::cout << " --- Iteration: " << StepsTaken(GH(),0)+1 << " ---";
00526         std::cout << "   t = " << Current_Time << std::flush;  
00527         } 
00529       int Rejections;
00530       double cfl_max = Tick(Step[CStepControl].VariableTimeStepping, 
00531                             Step[CStepControl].dtv, Step[CStepControl].cflv,
00532                             Rejections);
00534       double Help_Time;
00535       GH().DAGH_GetTimeSpecs(Next_Time, Help_Time);
00536       if (Help_Time > Step[CStepControl].LastTime) {   
00537         Help_Time = Step[CStepControl].LastTime;
00538       }
00539       if (me == VizServer) { 
00540         std::cout << "  dt=" << Next_Time-Current_Time 
00541                   << "  Levels=" << FineLevel(GH())+1 
00542                   << "  max. CFL=" << cfl_max;
00543       }
00544       Current_Time = Next_Time;
00545       Next_Time = Help_Time;
00547       if (me == VizServer) {
00548         if (Rejections)
00549           std::cout << "  Restarted: " << Rejections << "x";
00550         std::cout << std::endl << std::flush;
00551         }
00552       if (_ExactSolution) 
00553         _ExactSolution->ErrorNorm(U(), Work(), Current_Time);
00554     }  
00556     t = Current_Time;
00557     dt = Next_Time-Current_Time;
00558   }  
00560   virtual void Output() {
00561     if (CurrentTime(GH(),0) == LastOutputTime()) return;
00562     if (_FileOutput) {
00563       START_WATCH 
00564         _FileOutput->WriteOut(U(), Work());     
00565       END_WATCH_OUPUT  
00566       SetLastOutputTime(CurrentTime(GH(),0));
00567     }
00568     else 
00569       SetLastOutputTime(-1);
00570   }
00572   virtual void Checkpointing() {
00573     if (CurrentTime(GH(),0) == LastCheckpointTime()) return;
00574     int me = MY_PROC;
00575     if (me == VizServer) 
00576       std::cout << " *** Checkpoint at " << CurrentTime(GH(),0) 
00577                 << ": " << std::flush; 
00578     START_WATCH 
00579 #ifndef DAGH_NO_MPI
00580       MPI_Barrier(comm_service::comm()); 
00581 #endif
00582       if (_FileOutput) _FileOutput->CloseIO();
00583       if (CheckpointSave) {
00584         if (me == VizServer) 
00585           std::cout << "Moving..." << std::flush; 
00586         std::ostringstream newName_str;
00587         GH().chkpt_filename(newName_str,CheckpointName.c_str(),me);
00588         char oldName[256], newName[256];
00589         int len = newName_str.str().size();
00590         newName_str.str().copy(newName,len);
00591         int last = -1;
00592         for (int i=0; i<len-1; i++) 
00593           if (newName[i]=='/') 
00594             last = i;
00595         if (last>=0) std::strncpy(oldName,newName,last+1);
00596         oldName[++last] = '.';
00597         std::strncpy(oldName+last+1,newName+last,len-last);
00598         oldName[len+1] = '\0';
00599         rename(newName,oldName);
00600 #ifndef DAGH_NO_MPI
00601         MPI_Barrier(comm_service::comm()); 
00602 #endif
00603         if (me == VizServer) 
00604           std::cout << "done. " << std::flush; 
00605       }
00606       if (me == VizServer) 
00607         std::cout << "Writing..." << std::flush; 
00608       Checkpointing_(CheckpointName.c_str());
00609 #ifndef DAGH_NO_MPI
00610       MPI_Barrier(comm_service::comm()); 
00611 #endif
00612       if (me == VizServer) 
00613         std::cout << "done." << std::endl << std::flush; 
00614     END_WATCH_OUPUT  
00615     SetLastCheckpointTime(CurrentTime(GH(),0));
00616   }
00618   virtual int NSteps() { return StepsTaken(GH(),0); }
00620   GridHierarchy& GH() { return *_Hierarchy; }
00621   const GridHierarchy& GH() const { return *_Hierarchy; }
00622   inline GridHierarchy* PGH() const { return _Hierarchy; }
00624   const int& NEquations() const { return _Equations; }
00625   const int& NGhosts() const { return _Ghosts; }
00626   const int& Dim() const { return _Dim; }
00628   inline vec_grid_fct_type& U() { return *_u; }
00629   inline const vec_grid_fct_type& U() const { return *_u; }
00630   inline vec_grid_fct_type& Ush() { return *_u_sh; }
00631   inline const vec_grid_fct_type& Ush() const { return *_u_sh; }
00632   inline grid_fct_type& Work() { return *_work; }
00633   inline const grid_fct_type& Work() const { return *_work; }
00634   inline grid_fct_type& Worksh() { return *_work_sh; }
00635   inline const grid_fct_type& Worksh() const { return *_work_sh; }
00637   inline integrator_type& Integrator_() { return _Integrator; }
00638   inline const integrator_type& Integrator_() const { return _Integrator; }
00640   inline initial_condition_type& InitialCondition_() { return _InitialCondition; }
00641   inline const initial_condition_type& InitialCondition_() const 
00642     { return _InitialCondition; }
00644   inline boundary_conditions_type& BoundaryConditions_() { return _BoundaryConditions; }
00645   inline const boundary_conditions_type& BoundaryConditions_() const 
00646     { return _BoundaryConditions; }
00648   inline void SetLevelTransfer(leveltransfer_type* _leveltransfer) 
00649   { _LevelTransfer = _leveltransfer; }
00650   inline leveltransfer_type& LevelTransfer_() { return *_LevelTransfer; }
00651   inline const leveltransfer_type& LevelTransfer_() const { return *_LevelTransfer; }
00653   inline void SetFlagging(flagging_type* _flagging) { _Flagging = _flagging; }
00654   inline flagging_type& Flagging_() { return *_Flagging; }
00655   inline const flagging_type& Flagging_() const { return *_Flagging; }
00656   inline bool ErrorEstimation() const { 
00657     if (_Flagging)
00658       return Flagging_().ErrorEstimation();
00659     else return false;
00660   }
00662   inline void SetFixup(fixup_type* _fixup) { _Fixup = _fixup; }
00663   inline fixup_type& Fixup_() { return *_Fixup; }
00664   inline const fixup_type& Fixup_() const { return *_Fixup; }
00665   inline bool FixupPossible() const { return (_Fixup!=(fixup_type *)0); }
00667   inline void SetExactSolution(exact_solution_type* exact) { _ExactSolution = exact; }
00668   inline exact_solution_type& ExactSolution_() { return *_ExactSolution; }
00669   inline const exact_solution_type& ExactSolution_() const { return *_ExactSolution; }
00671   inline void SetFileOutput(file_output_type* output) { _FileOutput = output; }
00672   inline file_output_type& FileOutput_() { return *_FileOutput; }
00673   inline const file_output_type& FileOutput_() const { return *_FileOutput; }
00675   inline void SetLastOutputTime(int Time) { _LastOutputTime = Time; }
00676   inline int LastOutputTime() const { return _LastOutputTime; }
00677   inline void SetLastCheckpointTime(int Time) { _LastCheckpointTime = Time; }
00678   inline int LastCheckpointTime() const { return _LastCheckpointTime; }
00680   virtual int NMethodOrder() const { return Integrator_().NMethodOrder(); } 
00682   inline int FirstNode() const { return firstnode; }
00683   inline int LastNode() const { return lastnode; }
00684   inline int NNodes() const { return lastnode-firstnode+1; }
00686   inline int SizeWorld() const { return comm_service::proc_world(); }
00687   inline int Size() const { return comm_service::proc_num(); }
00689   inline MPI_Group GrpWorld() const { return comm_service::grp_world(); }
00690   inline MPI_Group Grp() const { return comm_service::grp(); }
00692   inline MPI_Comm CommWorld() const { return comm_service::comm_world(); }
00693   inline MPI_Comm Comm() const { return comm_service::comm(); }
00695 protected:
00696   integrator_type& _Integrator;
00697   initial_condition_type& _InitialCondition;
00698   boundary_conditions_type& _BoundaryConditions;
00699   int _Equations, _Ghosts, _Dim;
00700   GridHierarchy* _Hierarchy;
00701   vec_grid_fct_type *_u, *_u_sh;
00702   grid_fct_type *_work, *_work_sh;
00703   leveltransfer_type* _LevelTransfer;
00704   flagging_type* _Flagging;
00705   fixup_type* _Fixup;
00706   exact_solution_type* _ExactSolution;
00707   file_output_type* _FileOutput;
00708   boundary_functor_type* _BoundaryFunc;
00709   leveltransfer_functor_type *_ProlongFunc, *_RestrictFunc;  
00710   adaptbnd_functor_type* _AdaptBndFunc;
00711   int RedistributeEvery;
00712   int Distribution;  
00713   int MaxLev;   
00714   int GuCFactor;
00715   int MaxGridBoxSize;
00716   int _RefineFactor[DAGHMaxLevels];
00717   int periodic[dim];
00718   int shape[dim];  
00719   double geom[2*dim];
00720   int CutOffs;
00721   int cuts[2*dim*MaxCutOffRegions];
00722   int NAMRTimeSteps;            
00723   AMRTimeStep Step[MaxAMRTimeSteps];
00724   int _LastOutputTime, _LastCheckpointTime;
00725   int firstnode, lastnode, UseIOServer;
00726   std::string CheckpointName;
00727   int CheckpointSave;  
00728   double FinalWaitingTime;
00729   ControlDevice LocCtrl, GHCtrl, PCtrl;
00730   char GFName[DAGHBktGFNameWidth], GFNamesh[DAGHBktGFNameWidth];
00731   char IOName[DAGHBktGFNameWidth], IONamesh[DAGHBktGFNameWidth];
00732 };
00735 #endif

Generated on Fri Aug 24 13:00:47 2007 for AMROC Fluid-solver Framework - by  doxygen 1.4.7