

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00003 // Copyright (C) 2002 Ralf Deiterding
00004 // Brandenburgische Universitaet Cottbus
00016 #include "Flagging.h"
00018 template <class VectorType, class FixupType, class FlagType, int dim> class AMRSolverBase;
00020 #define GoodPoint (0)
00021 #define BadPoint  (1)
00030 template <class VectorType, class FixupType, class FlagType, int dim>
00031 class AMRFlagging : public Flagging<VectorType,FlagType,dim> {
00032   typedef Flagging<VectorType,FlagType,dim> base;
00033   typedef typename VectorType::InternalDataType DataType;
00034 public:
00035   typedef typename base::vec_grid_fct_type vec_grid_fct_type;  
00036   typedef typename base::vec_grid_data_type vec_grid_data_type;
00037   typedef typename base::flag_fct_type flag_fct_type;
00038   typedef typename base::criterion_type criterion_type;
00039   typedef GridFunction<DataType,dim> grid_fct_type;
00040   typedef GridData<DataType,dim> grid_data_type;
00041   typedef GridData<FlagType,dim> flag_data_type;
00042   typedef AMRSolverBase<VectorType,FixupType,FlagType,dim> solver_type;
00044   AMRFlagging(solver_type& solver) : base(), _Solver(solver), _EstimateError(false) {}
00046   virtual ~AMRFlagging() {}
00048   virtual void update() {
00049     base::update();
00050     int nc;
00051     for (nc=0; nc<base::NCrit(); nc++) 
00052       if (base::Criterion_(nc).ShadowCriterion() && base::Criterion_(nc).IsUsed() &&
00053           base::Criterion_(nc).UpdateShadow()) {
00054         _EstimateError = true;
00055         break;
00056       }
00057     if (!ErrorEstimation())
00058       for (nc=0; nc<base::NCrit(); nc++) 
00059         if (base::Criterion_(nc).ShadowCriterion())
00060           base::Criterion_(nc).SetIsUsed(false);
00061   }
00063   virtual void SetFlags(const int Time, const int Level, double t, double dt) {
00064     if (ErrorEstimation() && Time>0) {
00065       //---------------------------------------------------------------
00066       // Take a step on the U(). U()(Time,Level) has to remain 
00067       // unchanged in a fractional step method!
00068       //---------------------------------------------------------------
00070         Solver_().IntegrateLevel(U(), Time, Level, t, dt, false, 0.0, 1); 
00071       START_WATCH
00072       int TStep = TimeStep(U(),Level);
00073       int ShTStep = TimeStep(Ush(),Level);
00074       forall (U(),Time,Level,c)      
00075         //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00076         // First update Ush() from U()
00077         //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00078         Ush()(Time+ShTStep,Level,c).equals(Ush()(Time,Level,c));
00079         Solver_().LevelTransfer_().Restrict(U()(Time+TStep,Level,c),Level,
00080                                             Ush()(Time+ShTStep,Level,c),Level,
00081                                             U().interiorbbox(Time+TStep,Level,c)); 
00082       end_forall
00083     }
00085     forall (base::Flags(),Time,Level,c)  
00086       base::Flags()(Time,Level,c) = GoodPoint;
00087     end_forall
00089     FlagType FlagValue = BadPoint;
00090     for (int nc=0; nc<base::NCrit(); nc++) {
00091       if (!base::Criterion_(nc).IsUsed()) continue;
00092       vec_grid_fct_type* uh = (!base::Criterion_(nc).ShadowCriterion() ? _u : _u_sh);
00093       grid_fct_type* wh = (!base::Criterion_(nc).ShadowCriterion() ? _work : _work_sh);
00094       if ((uh==(vec_grid_fct_type*) 0) || (wh==(grid_fct_type*)0 )) continue;
00095       for (int cnt=0; cnt<base::Criterion_(nc).Ncnt(); cnt++) {
00096         bool Used = base::Criterion_(nc).SetFlags(*uh, *wh, base::Flags(), cnt,
00097                                                   Time, Level, t, FlagValue);
00098         if (Used && base::Criterion_(nc).OutputFlags() && Solver_().LastOutputTime()==Time) {
00099           int TStep = TimeStep(Work(),Level);
00100           if (base::Criterion_(nc).ShadowCriterion()) {
00101             int ShTStep = TimeStep(Worksh(),Level);
00102             forall(Work(), Time, Level, c)
00103               equals_fromsh(Work()(Time+TStep,Level,c),Worksh()(Time+ShTStep,Level,c));
00104             end_forall
00105           }
00106           SwapTimeLevels(Work(),Level,Time,Time+TStep);
00107           char name[DAGHBktGFNameWidth+16];
00108           base::Criterion_(nc).OutputName(name,cnt);
00109           Solver_().FileOutput_().WritePlain(Work(), name, Time, Level, t);
00110           SwapTimeLevels(Work(),Level,Time,Time+TStep);
00111         }
00112         if (Used) FlagValue++;
00113       }
00114     }
00115   }
00117   void equals_fromsh(grid_data_type& w, grid_data_type& wsh) {
00118     BBox OpBox = w.bbox();
00119     BBox OpBoxsh = wsh.bbox();
00120     Coords& Os = OpBox.stepsize();
00121     Coords& Osh = OpBoxsh.stepsize();
00123     if (dim == 1) {
00124       BeginFastIndex1(w, w.bbox(), w.data(), DataType);        
00125       BeginFastIndex1(wsh, wsh.bbox(), wsh.data(), DataType); 
00126       for_1 (n, OpBox, Os)
00127         FastIndex1(w,n) = FastIndex1(wsh,n-n%Osh(0));
00128       end_for
00129       EndFastIndex1(w);
00130       EndFastIndex1(wsh);
00131     }
00132     else if (dim == 2) {
00133       BeginFastIndex2(w, w.bbox(), w.data(), DataType);        
00134       BeginFastIndex2(wsh, wsh.bbox(), wsh.data(), DataType); 
00135       for_2 (n, m, OpBox, Os)
00136         FastIndex2(w,n,m) = FastIndex2(wsh,n-n%Osh(0), m-m%Osh(1));
00137       end_for
00138       EndFastIndex2(w);
00139       EndFastIndex2(wsh);
00140     }
00141     else if (dim == 3) {
00142       BeginFastIndex3(w, w.bbox(), w.data(), DataType);        
00143       BeginFastIndex3(wsh, wsh.bbox(), wsh.data(), DataType); 
00144       for_3 (n, m, l, OpBox, Os)
00145         FastIndex3(w,n,m,l) = FastIndex3(wsh,n-n%Osh(0), m-m%Osh(1), l-l%Osh(2));
00146       end_for
00147       EndFastIndex3(w);
00148       EndFastIndex3(wsh);
00149     }
00150   }
00152   inline void SetGridFunctions(vec_grid_fct_type* u, vec_grid_fct_type* ush, 
00153                                grid_fct_type* work, grid_fct_type* worksh) {
00154     _u = u; _u_sh = ush;
00155     _work = work; _work_sh = worksh; 
00156   }
00157   inline vec_grid_fct_type& U() { return *_u; }
00158   inline const vec_grid_fct_type& U() const { return *_u; }
00159   inline vec_grid_fct_type& Ush() { return *_u_sh; }
00160   inline const vec_grid_fct_type& Ush() const { return *_u_sh; }
00161   inline grid_fct_type& Work() { return *_work; }
00162   inline const grid_fct_type& Work() const { return *_work; }
00163   inline grid_fct_type& Worksh() { return *_work_sh; }
00164   inline const grid_fct_type& Worksh() const { return *_work_sh; }
00165   inline const bool& ErrorEstimation() const { return _EstimateError;}
00166   void SetErrorEstimation(const bool est) { _EstimateError = est; }
00167   inline solver_type& Solver_() { return _Solver; }
00168   inline const solver_type& Solver_() const { return _Solver; }
00170 protected:
00171   solver_type& _Solver;
00172   vec_grid_fct_type *_u, *_u_sh;
00173   grid_fct_type *_work, *_work_sh;
00174   bool _EstimateError;
00175 };
00178 #endif

Generated on Fri Aug 24 13:00:45 2007 for AMROC Fluid-solver Framework - by  doxygen 1.4.7